Sunday, July 25, 2010

TOO Hot!

It has been a hot week and the Fealys are doing what we can to stay cool. The boys have been wrestling in the house with daddy and playing on the slip & slide. Even Marley got a new hair cut. Sawyer is a pro walker now.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sawyer Update

Sawyer (a.k.a. Tater Tot) had an appointment with the pediatrician today to discuss his speech and language development. He has no words right now and although we know he understands a number of words and commands, makes no audible consonant sounds. He used to make the "M" and "D" sounds but stopped. The pediatrician has referred us to an Audiologist and Speech Therapist. Dr. Boston said she knows he can hear (we know that too) because he knows his name and responds to simple commands but we don't know how well. We are a little concerned because of the string of ear infections he had in the fall & winter. She also said that some kids just take longer to talk, especially when they have an extrovert older brother. Jason & I have decided to error on the side of caution, especially since Tricare foots the bill. More to come....

Thursday, July 15, 2010


This week Jackson has been at VBS with his neighbors and has had a blast. It is so tired that I have had to wake him up in the mornings to get ready. The pics are from last week - the zoo and a playdate with his lady friends. Sawyer is trying to master using a spoon but we have a ways to go.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Wilmington Visit

We ended the week with the haunted pub crawl for Autumn's Bachlorette Party and a day on the boat at Masonboro celebrating the 4th with some friends. It was a great trip but we are glad to be home in our own beds.

More Beach

We spent some time soaking up the sun at the pier, on the boat and in the pool.

More Beach

Jason, Jackson & I went to Myrtle Beach and visited the Nascar Speedway and Broadway at the beach. Sawyer stayed home with the holders.

Beach Cont.

We had so much beach fun. We played in the pool and celebrated GG's birthday.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Beach Vacation

Living the life at the beach in NC. More pics to come.