Thursday, August 31, 2006


Hopefully tomorrow will be my LAST doctor's appointment. I plan on convincing the doctor that I am not mentally stable enough to continue being pregnant. They will do one last ultrasound to check Jackson's size. I will NOT leave without an induction date. There is a hurricane coming. It would be perfect - we got married in one. We should have our first child in one. We saw Father Trent yesterday at lunch. He gave me a blessing. I was hoping Jackson is already a devout Catholic and that would convince him to come out - nothing yet.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Today I had lunch with my friend Leslie who is 38 weeks pregnant. We ate at a country buffet. We must have looked like quite a pair - they put us at a table right up front. I keep looking at pictures of myself and think there must be something wrong with the camera. I can not possibly be that big. I am - and the buffet didn't help. Friday I am giving the doctor an ultimatum. I will NOT leave without my induction at least scheduled. I have to know the end is near. FYI - castor oil and sex (not together) - not working.

Friday, August 25, 2006


I had a doctor's appointment today. Definitely did NOT hear what I was hoping. I am NOT dilated at all and I am "measuring big." The Dr. said Jackson is about 8 pounds but they want to do another ultrasound next week to get a better idea of his size. Dr. said on the first baby, if you are completely healthy, they will let you go a week or two over your due date before induction. I almost cried. If the ultrasound shows that he is a great big sucker, they may induce earlier. Keep in mind all of this will happen the day before my due date, so in less something happens this week, I will definitely go full term, plus some. I have been eating spicy food & eggplant parmesan, walking when my cankles allow it, bouncing on a exercise ball, and down on all fours when ever possible. Castor oil is next. I have been watching A Baby Story on TLC during the day and find myself jealous of the women screaming in pain because I am convinced that I will never go into labor, I will be pregnant forever.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


So everyone keeps telling me that I should "relax and take it easy" this week. I'm trying, really I am. I went to Southport on Monday and had lunch with Opah. Today I hung out with mom. Other than that, I am so BORED I could scream. I have cleaned and organized everything in the house...twice. I have every piece of clothing and gear in the baby's room memorized. The car is packed with everything for the hospital. The highlight of my day is when Jason gets home from work - to entertain me. As you can see that's not really what he has on his mind when he gets home. These pics are from yesterday and today - the 5:00 PM ritual in the Fealy house. Jackson if you are listening, Mommy is ready. You can come any time.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

8/18/2006 - My Last Day

Today was my last day of work. It was really bitter sweet. I am so glad to be able to stay home, but I know when Monday morning comes it will feel really weird not to go to work. Of course I have been reminding everyone for about 2 months that today is the day so when there was no talk of lunch or a cake I was really disappointed. I really thought coming in today that no one cared I was leaving. They got me good. Not only was there cake, but there was lunch with the share holders, gifts and cards. If you can't make out the cake, it says, "We should have given this to Jason, Congratulations Christine." My office took up a collection and the company matched it. I got a $50 gift certificate to a spa, a second base to the infant car seat, an Eddie Bauer car seat for up to 100 lbs. and Jason got a baby seat for the back of his bicycle. He is super pumped. He already wants to know when he can start using it. I had a doctor's appointment today as well. He said I was still pregnant - that my cervix has thinned a little, but was not dilated. He guessed that Jackson was about 7.5 - 8 lbs. We had "retirement dinner" at my Aunt Punk's house with mom, Dean, Omah & Opah. Punk made shrimp & my favorite potatoes. Mom made a chocolate cake. I think I am caked out. This was the 4th in 2 days. Thank you everyone! Of course, Mr. Wonderful strikes again. Jason got me a dozen pink roses for my last day, and a card describing my duties as a full time employee of Fealy Enterprise. I think I am up for the challenge!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


I think Joey, Sandy & the girls really enjoyed their visit NC & SC. Jason went to visit them in Myrtle beach and we all went for a ride on the Coast Guard boat and out to dinner at Hiro Japanese Steak house. The girls are adorable. They made it back to WV yesterday.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Update on Sharon: Jason's mother is home resting after having breast cancer surgery. She says she has gone to work feeling worse than she does now and is getting bored already. Take it easy Sharon!

Friday, August 04, 2006


Jason and I made a belly cast last night. It was an interesting process - felt really weird. The cast is finishing the drying process, then I am going to paint it. Haven't decided what theme yet - have been looking online for inspiration - I went to the doctor again today - had some weird stuff go on this morning. I'll save the gross details but everything seems OK. They told me to take it easy this weekend and call if anything else happens. Only 2 more weeks of work. I can't wait. Joey, Sandy & the girls will be here Monday then on to Myrtle Beach and back on Thursday. Looking forward to their visit.

Thursday, August 03, 2006


I begged the doctor to induce me today, but he said no. He said if I made it to my due date, he would induce me then. 4 more weeks now. He said Jackson and I are completely healthy - baby heart rate is 150 bpm. I showed him my feet in hopes of convincing him there was something terribly wrong with me and he said they were really not that bad. Great.... Next appointment is Friday 8/11. They will do the Group B streptococcus screening next week to make sure I am good to go for labor. The end is near.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


CANKLES - need I say more?

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Jason Fealy, a.k.a. Mr. Wonderful, has lived up to his name again. He had the day off, so we went to lunch and he brought me these beautiful flowers - just because. I had a pretty rough night last night - aches, pains & no sleep. FYI - Jason & I watched "Crash" last night - good movie, very intense.