Friday, August 25, 2006


I had a doctor's appointment today. Definitely did NOT hear what I was hoping. I am NOT dilated at all and I am "measuring big." The Dr. said Jackson is about 8 pounds but they want to do another ultrasound next week to get a better idea of his size. Dr. said on the first baby, if you are completely healthy, they will let you go a week or two over your due date before induction. I almost cried. If the ultrasound shows that he is a great big sucker, they may induce earlier. Keep in mind all of this will happen the day before my due date, so in less something happens this week, I will definitely go full term, plus some. I have been eating spicy food & eggplant parmesan, walking when my cankles allow it, bouncing on a exercise ball, and down on all fours when ever possible. Castor oil is next. I have been watching A Baby Story on TLC during the day and find myself jealous of the women screaming in pain because I am convinced that I will never go into labor, I will be pregnant forever.

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