Today the boys, Amber & I went on a trolley ride through Cape May. We learned a lot of history about the city and the architecture...about 15 minutes too much. They boys lost interest and the novelty of the trolley ride was gone. Then we walked to the Hot Dog Tommy's - a famous hot dog stand featured on the Food Network for lunch. Amber thought that was cool. We also stopped by Cape May City Elementary to register my baby for Kindergarten! He is ready but I don't know if I am.
We had a wonderful week with Grammz & Auntie. Jackson went to nature camp in the mornings and we worked on the house, relaxed and enjoyed Cape May. Grammz & Auntie even went to a recruit graduation & ate at the galley. Jackson slept over at the hotel every night and said it was like "heaven."
We are finally moved in our house and starting to feel at home. Jackson is in his 3rd week of camp at the Nature Center. There are kids everywhere so both boys are happy. Jason and the boys have had a little success with the crab trap. Jason's niece Amber is visiting for a few weeks and we are happy to have her. We suffered a little damage during the move, scratches, nicks, etc, but nothing too major. Just enough to be annoying. The weather is hot but nothing like Florida. We are getting by with 2 window AC units for now. still hot enough to melt ice cream though! The boys are happy to have their own rooms. The house is looking good - now on to landscaping.