Wednesday, November 08, 2006


We made it through the 2 month check up. I think the shots were more tramatic for me than Jackson. He weighs 13 lbs. 12 ozs. and is 24 inches long. The doctor said everything looks good and gave us some suggestions on how to get him to sleep longer at night. He is doing OK for his age (sleep-wise) but I am ready for a full night sleep. I went out to dinner with my girl friends for my birthday tonight. It was great. Thank you ladies. Jason & Jackson got me a diamond and sapphire ring to go with my wedding set. Sapphire is Jackson's birth stone. They also got me flowers and a card that said "Happy 21st birthday" love, Jackson. Ha, Ha......My family got me a new 19 inch widescreen monitor for the computer so I can spend more quality time doing stuff like blogging and checking out "the Myspace." Thank you family. Today Aunt Punk, Jackson & I went to lunch at Port City Chop House. It was very nice. It has been a wonderful birthday. I'm glad since it is my last.

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