Thursday, February 15, 2007


Happy belated Valentines Day! Yesterday was our appointment at the hospital. We were there for 3 HOURS! Jackson was a perfect angel the whole time, even when I had to get shitty with the little x-ray man. He flirted with all the ladies and is quite a show off. Short version: everything is fine. Long version: We met with the pulmonary specialist - a friendly lady doctor from UNC Chapel Hill. She took a look and listen at Jackson and spent some time learning his history and my concerns. She was a little concerned about a small indention that he has in his throat when he breathes and the fact that he had Croup so young. She sent us for some x-rays. We walked to the complete other side of the hospital and waited our turn there. When we went back, the little x-ray man wanted to put Jackson in this medieval torture looking devise that was suppose to to "hold him upright and still." I took one look at that thing and told him he would have to find another way b/c we were not putting my baby in that contraption. He tried to comfort me by telling me he had kids too. At that point I would not have cared any less if he and his wife were the proud parents of 2 purple monkeys - he was not putting my baby in that thing. He went to get back-up and the second x-ray tech said they could get the pictures with Jackson laying on the table if I could hold him very still. Jackson cooperated with no problem and we got all the x-rays finished. We walked the whole way back to Peds and waited...and waited. There was a problem with the online system so someone had to go get the x-rays. Anyway - 3 hours after we got there, the nice lady doctor told me that Jackson has reflux, which we already knew, and that we could put him back on Zantac if we wanted. I told her no, it doesn't bother him and I would rather him not have all that crap in his system. She wants to see him back in 2 months unless he has any "episodes." This condition has already gotten significantly better since he was born and she thinks he will grow out of it. We have a follow up appointment in 2 months. Jason comes home tomorrow!!!!!!! Today is Jackson's first day with Gramms. I'm sure they are having a ball.

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