Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Happy Birthday Grandma Fealy!!!! Can't wait to see you and the rest of the Fealy clan. Things are starting to get into a routine around here. We are very much at the mercy of the boss (Jackson) but we are getting it down. Nights are the hardest of course. I am starting to feel like the milk lady. I feed him and then do the hand off to Jason who burps, changes and gets Jackson back to sleep. Did I mention breast feeding is no joke? I know it is worth it and will get easier, but holy sore nipples it hurts! Where does he put it all? He is so little and can drink so much. Jackson & Jason seem to be on the same sleep schedule because they nap together all the time. That gives me some time to get a few things done around the house. It is working out well so far. Mom was here for about a week - a big help. Thanks mom! Jason passed his navigation rules test that he has been studying for so that is a relief. FYI- I have lost 31 of the 60+ pounds I gained during the pregnancy. The first 23 came off easy - giving birth. I hope the rest comes off as quickly.

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