Friday, September 22, 2006


We have had a very busy week! Tuesday was Jackson's 2 week check up. Everything looks good. He is almost back up to his birth weight which is good and he has grown an inch and a quarter. Jason & I had lots of questions for the doctor but they seemed to be standard first time parent questions. Jackson has had some gas at night and we have discovered it has a lot to do with my diet. I am more restricted now than when I was pregnant! No more broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes or carbonated drinks. Wednesday Jackson's umbilical stump fell off so he can have a regular bath now. The Fealy family has been here all week. Jackson has been getting spoiled by his Grandma Fealy, Aunt Mary, Aunt Jena & Cousin Josie. We all had a great time at Kure Beach. Jason & I are getting used to sleep deprivation. We take turns taking naps and taking care of Jackson. Breast feeding is getting better. I guess I am starting to toughen up. We are still not really on a schedule. We just wait for instructors from the boss - Jackson.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone looks so happy!!!! I like the picture of mommy, daddy and baby...very cute!!