Tuesday, July 18, 2006


The calm after the storm.... I mean shower. The baby shower on Sunday was great. There were about 30 people there. Everyone had a good time. Mom & Punk made some wonderful food and had 2 cakes - a homemade Pooh cake and an Apple Annies's Ice Cream cake - chocolate of course. W played a few games organized by Autumn and I opened a ton of gifts. As you can see we have no were to put the kid. I think we have everything we need including enough bibs & onesies to outfit and army. Thank you everyone! I feel OK today - I have lowered my standards of normal. The foot, butt or elbow in my ribs is a constant reminder of little Mr. Fealy's presence and is quite sore. I am not sleeping well so I am exhausted. Jason says it looks like I have been wrestling with the covers in the morning when he leaves. FYI - he is sleeping fine. Only 6 more weeks. People keep telling me they think I will go early because of my size - how comforting. I tell them, my luck he will be late. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

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